States where outbreak has occurred.

Avian Influenza Outbreak Update

Outbreak Overview:

  • Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza, H5N1 strain, is infecting and causing disease in dairy cattle
  • First identified in Texas in March of 2024 and has since then spread to states including New Mexico, Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, South Dakota, Michigan, Ohio, and North Carolina.
  • Disease in Dairy Cattle includes signs of mastitis, decreased milk production and fever.
  • Cats and rodents have also shown to be affected by the HPAI strain, resulting in neurologic signs and death.
  • Minimal human cases have been identified. People infected show flu-like symptoms and have all been in close contact with cattle on the positive farms.

Disease Management and Resources:

  • Protocols and mandates developed by USDA APHIS
  • Updated information available below including daily case updates.

Regional Impact:

  • No cases in New England, New York, or Pennsylvania; closest cases in North Carolina and Ohio.

Food Safety Assurance:

  • Dairy and beef products are safe; pasteurization inactivates the virus.
  • Beef products tested and free from the virus.
  • Beef and pasteurized dairy products are 100% safe

Travel Restrictions and Testing:

  • Travel restrictions for lactating dairy cows; negative avian influenza test required within 7 days of travel.
  • All cattle traveling between any locations need a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI)
  • Contact your veterinarian for more information or with any travel related questions

Biosecurity Measures:

  • Recommended practices include quarantining animals for 2 weeks when arriving in premises and maintaining strict cleanliness.
  • Change clothes and boots between farms
  • Changes gloves, sleeves, and needles between cows
  • Practice clean milking procedures

Symptom Monitoring and Veterinary Care:

  • Monitor for symptoms such as reduced milk yield, mastitis, and flu-like signs in dairy cattle.
  • Report increased death loss in poultry, wild bird populations, farm/barn cats, or rodents
  • Contact a veterinarian immediately if unusual symptoms or dead animals are found.

Continued Vigilance and Relationship with Veterinarians:

  • Importance of vigilance and maintaining a strong relationship with veterinarians.
  • If you do not have a regular and consistent relationship with a veterinary practice, start one today!